What is the meaning of the metaphor of the dry tree?

Jesus spoke to the weeping women (Lk. 23:28-31) in a metaphor about the dry tree vs the green tree.
“For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

It has been speculated through the years that the “dry tree” implies his followers will be weakened in the coming time of persecution and will have only a little resistance to their enemies? Did Jesus imply this, that the disciples would be snatched up as timber for the fires of persecution because their Master in that life had been snatched first? Did even the early Church in fact dry out and die out during the ensuing persecution? NO, the disciples multiplied. Though some were killed, many were dispersed all over the world and the Church grew mightily.

This contrast between two trees might show a time difference, from the beginning of the Church to the end of the Church age. But does it mean that the later Church would become lifeless, easily dispensed with? The metaphor has been interpreted by some scholars to imply a qualitative difference between the time Jesus was with them on earth in His great power, yet evil men crucified him, to a later time when his followers would be powerless against the rising Antichist—almost wiped out in growing worldwide persecution from the forces controlled by the Antichrist.

But wait! The intent of Jesus’ words were to encourage the women. How do we know?

Jesus was always about encouraging those who yearn for him. He was in fact assuring them that the sons and daughters of God were not meant to be weak or powerless in the hands of their enemies and that the green Church which He started would become incredible in fortitude and vitality and then in the Last Days, it would become dry in its maturity. So, what does dry mean?

The Greek word translated in English as “dry” actually does not mean dried out or brittle. In fact, the word usually translated as “dry” is derived from a root meaning “boiling, heated, or vigorously burning” –actually meaning a vessel which is “full of fire.” NOT as in burned at the stake, but as in bodily persons having the characteristic of being full of Glory Fire, God’s Holy Presence, His Holy Spirit. Remember the Presence of God in the burning bush that Moses encountered?

This fiery characterization of the dry tree is contrasted by Jesus with the word translated as “green tree,” which comes from the Greek root for “very wet; saturated with water.” The early Church, in Jesus’ own words, were clean, even saturated through, with the Water of the Word he had spoken to them. They were ready to bring Life to the masses thirsty for the Living Water.
There would come a later time—and it seems to be our time—when the masses are hungry for the people of God who are full of the fire of the Holy Spirit who will do amazing mighty exploits (Daniel 11:32) in order to counter the unrighteous plundering of our world by the Anti-christ. The plundering and the mighty exploits will happen with ever increasing speed and magnitude.

Jesus declared that his disciples in future, in the Mature Church boiling with Holy Spirit fire and glory, would be doing even “greater works” of power than Jesus himself did! Their strength in His power and authority would be so amazing and incredible that the killing off of all of that Mature Church would be an impossible undertaking for the enemies of the Cross!

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